Stećak tombstones – Boljuni i Radimlja

The Necropolis of Stećak Boljuni is located in Boljuni, 12 kilometers southwest of Stolac. 269 ​​stećaks have been preserved in the necropolis, in two groups. According to the forms, the most are chests – 176, then slabs – 76, then gables – 12 and 3 crosses. Out of the total number, 92 stećaks (34%) are decorated. And while the Radimlja necropolis stands out for its wealth, variety and high quality of relief motifs, the Boljuni necropolis stands out for its large number of inscriptions – 19 (7%), which is the first in terms of the number of inscriptions place in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most common ornament on Boljuna stećci is a cross, followed by a bent vine with a trefoil (the motif is characteristic of the whole of Herzegovina, and it appears quite often here), a shield with a sword, as well as rosettes, then various borders, a crescent moon, scenes of hunting, tournaments, carts etc


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